Where does your value come from?

I tend to read multiple books at the same time (especially my non-fiction ones), and one of the books Rachelle and I have really been enjoying lately is Kyle Cease’s The Illusion of Money.

He has a chapter in there called “Raising Your Value” that sparked some thoughts today regarding something that many of us face in life — whether in our career, our relationships, or our work as an entrepreneur — and which can profoundly affect how we feel and how we show up — and ultimately the results we create, too. 

First a question — 

Where does your value come from?

Many of us may have an initial spiritual answer — our faith, our Creator, our family, love — and we also believe each of us has an intrinsic value.

But how many of us often “forget” this value when we’re engaging with the world, and especially when we’re in business or marketing a product or service, or paying our bills?

So here’s a question for us all as we go through our day, interacting with the world, posting on social media, and engaging in conversations:

Where does our value come from?  Are we needing external validation — whether it’s a title, promotion, our bank account, our results, or others’ perception and response to us  — or are we letting our creativity, gifts, joy, and intention flow through us into our work, our posts, our conversations, our day regardless of how people seem to respond?

What if we chose to let what inspires and energizes us flow through us and approached our day and our interactions with a bit of curiosity and even a sense of adventure?

What if we allowed ourselves to create, share, and — as one of my key mentors whom many of you know, Artemis Limpert, says — “beacon out” without being attached to the outcome?

What if we “showed up” in life or our work or business with the thought “I am an amazing person, and I see your brilliance, too.  Let’s see if we can partner and create something magnificent together?”

Those of you who journal, you might enjoy taking a moment to write a couple thoughts that are stirring in you right now. And feel free to share them in the comments below — I’d love to hear what’s stirring in you!

Then expand your awareness as you bring these thoughts to how you show up in your day.

Food for thought as we go forward creating a life we love.


P.S. Get more tips to Thrive with Dr. Ben by email here.

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at www.drbenlo.com I look forward to connecting with you!

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